Thursday, October 22, 2009

Quid Aere Perennius? ("What Is More Lasting Than Brass?")

The first set of Bullets arrived from Chicago on 10/6. The machinist I will be using for subsequent runs is located in Waterbury, CT. Telling my Dad this, I learned that this is where he bought my mom her engagement ring. Sparked some interest in the area, so...

Here is a bit from a wiki entry on Waterbury:

Throughout the first half of the 20th century Waterbury had large industrial interests and was the leading center in the United States for the manufacture of brassware (including castings and finishings), as reflected in the nickname the "Brass City" and the city's motto Quid Aere Perennius? ("What Is More Lasting Than Brass?"), which echoes the Latin of Horace's Ode 3.30.

The Bullet was built to last.

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