Sunday, January 31, 2010

Urban Velo Posting!

Click here for original post

Adapters to make a Presta tire valve work in Schrader pumps are handy items to keep around, not just for their utility in the home shop but perhaps more-so for their use on the road where finding a kind soul with a Presta pump can be a chore as compared to the number of gas stations and garage foot pumps around with Schrader heads (not sure about the difference between Presta and Schrader? Check out Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Valves, Urban Velo #13). Due to their nature as a small removable piece these adapters have the tendency to never be in the right place at the right time, at least in my experience that seems to be the case. At least one other person thinks so, and thus the $7 Bullet Keychain was born, providing a simple solution that keeps the adapter with your keys, hopefully in a place you aren’t likely to leave behind.

Monday, January 4, 2010

IE Fixed Flyer

Here is the flyer for the IE Fixed Madison Race to be held on January 16th.